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Matlab Class for Graphing Functions

Matlab Functions

Display Fully Commented Example Code

The class block is the code that starts with the classdef key word and terminates with the end key word. The following example illustrated a simple class definition that uses:

  • Handle class
  • Property set and get functions
  • Use of a delete method for the handle object
  • Static method syntax

Display Fully Commented Example Code

You can display this class definition in a separate window that contains links to related sections in the documentations by clicking this link:

Open class definition file in the MATLAB editor. — Use this link if you want to save and modify your own version of the class.

Class Definition Block

The following code defines a class called topo. It is derived from handle so it is a handle class, which means it references the data it contains. See Using the topo Class for information on how this class behaves.

Using the topo Class

classdef topo < handle
% topo is a subclass of handle
      FigHandle % Store figure handle
      FofXY % function handle
      Lm = [-2*pi 2*pi]; % Initial limits
   end % properties 

   properties (Dependent = true, SetAccess = private) 
   end % properties Dependent = true, SetAccess = private

      function obj = topo(fnc,limits)
      % Constructor assigns property values
         obj.FofXY = fnc;
         obj.Lm = limits;
      end % topo

      function set.Lm(obj,lim)
      % Lm property set function
         if  ~(lim(1) < lim(2))
            error('Limits must be monotonically increasing')
               obj.Lm = lim;
      end % set.Lm

      function data = get.Data(obj)
      % get function calculates Data
      % Use class name to call static method
         [x,y] = topo.grid(obj.Lm);
         matrix = obj.FofXY(x,y);
         data.X = x;
         data.Y = y;
         data.Matrix = matrix;% Return value of property
      end % get.Data

      function surflight(obj)
      % Graph function as surface
         obj.FigHandle = figure;
            'FaceColor',[.8 .8 0],'EdgeColor',[0 .2 0],...
         camlight left; material shiny; grid off
         colormap copper
      end % surflight method
      function delete(obj)
      % Delete the figure
         h = obj.FigHandle;
         if ishandle(h)
      end % delete
   end % methods

   methods (Static = true) % Define static method 
     function [x,y] = grid(lim)        
        inc = (lim(2)-lim(1))/35;
        [x,y] = meshgrid(lim(1):inc:lim(2));
     end % grid
   end % methods Static = true
end % topo class

See Display Fully Commented Example Code for information on using this class.[/important]

This class is designed to display a combination surface/contour graph of mathematical functions of two variables evaluated on a rectangular domain of x and y. For example, any of the following functions can be evaluated over the specified domain (note that x and y have the same range of values in this example just for simplicity).

x.*exp(-x.^2 - y.^2); [-2 2]
sin(x).*sin(y); [-2*pi 2*pi]
sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); [-2*pi 2*pi]

To create an instance of the class, passing a function handle and a vector of limits to the constructor. The easiest way to create a function handle for these functions is to use an anonymous function:

tobj = topo(@(x,y) x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2),[-2 2]);

The class surflight method uses the object to create a graph of the function. The actual data required to create the graph is not stored. When the surflight method accesses the Data property, the property’s get function performs the evaluation and returns the data in the Data property structure fields. This data is then plotted. The advantage of not storing the data is the reduced size of the object.

Behavior of the Handle Class

The topo class is defined as a handle class. This means that instances of this class are handle objects that reference the underlying data store created by constructing the object. For example, suppose you create an instance of the class and create a copy of the object:

tobj = topo(@(x,y) x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2),[-2 2]);
a = tobj;
surflight(a) % Call class method to create a graph

Now suppose you change the FofXY property so that it contains a function handle that points to another function:

tobj.FofXY = @(x,y) y.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); % now multiply exp by y instead of x

Because a is a copy of the handle object tobj, changes to the data referenced by tobj also change the data referenced by a.

How a Value Class Differs

If topo were a value class, the objects tobj and a would not share data; each would have its own copy of the property values.

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