Controlling the Number of Instances
Controlling the Number of Instances
Limiting Instances
You can limit the number of instances of a class that can exist at any one time. For example, a singleton class can have only one instance and provides a way to access this instance. You can create a singleton class using these elements:
- A persistent variable to contain the instance
- A sealed class (Sealed attribute set to true) to prevent subclassing
- A private constructor (Access attribute set to private)
- A static method to return the handle to the instance, if it exists, or to create the instance when needed.
Implementing a Singleton Class
The following skeletal class definition shows how you can approach the implementation of a class that allows you to create only one instance at a time:
classdef (Sealed) SingleInstance < handle
methods (Access = private)
function obj = SingleInstance
methods (Static)
function singleObj = getInstance
persistent localObj
if isempty(localObj) || ~isvalid(localObj)
localObj = SingleInstance;
singleObj = localObj;
The getInstance static method returns a handle to the object created, which the class stores in a persistent variable. getInstance creates an instance only the first time called in a session or when the object becomes invalid. For example:
sobj = SingleInstance.getInstance
sobj =
SingleInstance handle with no properties.
Methods, Events, Superclasses
As long as sobj exists as a valid handle, calling getInstance returns a handle to the same object. If you delete sobj, then calling getInstance creates an object and returns the handle.
ans =
sobj = SingleInstance.getInstance;
ans =