Simulation of a Bouncing Ball
Figure 1: A ball is thrown up with a velocity of 15 m/s from a height of 10 m. A bouncing ball model is a classic example of a hybrid dynamic system. A...
Matlab Simulink Examples
Figure 1: A ball is thrown up with a velocity of 15 m/s from a height of 10 m. A bouncing ball model is a classic example of a hybrid dynamic system. A...
8-Bit and 16-Bit Indexed Images Double-precision (64-bit) floating-point numbers are the default MATLAB representation for numeric data. However, to reduce memory requirements for working with images, you can store images as 8-bit or 16-bit...
What Is Image Data? The basic MATLAB data structure is the array, an ordered set of real or complex elements. An array is naturally suited to the representation of images, real-valued, ordered sets of...
What Is the Microsoft .NET Framework? The Microsoft .NET Framework is an integral Windows component that provides a large body of precoded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written...
Working with Image Formats In its native form, a graphics file format image is not stored as a MATLAB matrix, or even necessarily as a matrix. Most graphics files begin with a header containing...
Controlling the Number of Instances Limiting Instances You can limit the number of instances of a class that can exist at any one time. For example, a singleton class can have only one instance...
The Standard Set/Get Interface The MATLAB Handle Graphics system implements an interface based on set and get methods. These methods enable you to set or query the value of graphics object properties. The hgsetget...