Tagged: Color

Matlab Core Graphics Objects

Core graphics objects include basic drawing primitives: Line, text, and polygon shells (patch objects) Specialized objects like surfaces, which are composed of a rectangular grid of vertices Images Light objects, which are not visible...

Generating MATLAB Code to Reproduce a Graph

Generating Matlab Code Create a Stem Plot and Generate Code for It Suppose you have created the following graph. t = 0:.2:20; alpha =.055; stem(t,exp(-alpha*t).*sin(5*t)) Use the Property Editor to modify the graph. Select...

Comparing Handle and Value Classes

Why Select Handle or Value MATLAB support two kinds of classes — handle classes and value classes. The kind of class you use depends on the desired behavior of the class instances and what...

Matlab Class for Graphing Functions

Matlab Functions Display Fully Commented Example Code The class block is the code that starts with the classdef key word and terminates with the end key word. The following example illustrated a simple class...

Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells for Notebook

Defining Commands as Input Cells for Notebook For information about evaluating the input cells you define, see Evaluating MATLAB Commands with Notebook. To define a MATLAB command in a Word document as an input...

Plotting Tools — Interactive Plotting

What Are Plotting Tools? The modular, interactive plotting environment called plotting tools enables you to Create various type of graphs Select variables to plot directly from a workspace browser Easily create and manipulate subplots...

Marking Up Graphs with Data Brushing

What Is Data Brushing? When you brush data, you manually select observations on an interactive data display in the course of assessing validity, testing hypotheses, or segregating observations for further processing. You can brush...