Tagged: Functions

Comparing Handle and Value Classes

Why Select Handle or Value MATLAB support two kinds of classes — handle classes and value classes. The kind of class you use depends on the desired behavior of the class instances and what...


Scoping Classes with Packages

Matlab Scoping Package Folders Packages are special folders that can contain class folders, function and class definition files, and other packages. Packages define a scope (sometimes called a namespace) for the contents of the...

Using the Editor and Debugger with Classes

Referring to Class Files Define classes in M-files just like scripts and functions. To use the editor or debugger with a class file, use the full class name. For example, suppose the file for...


Example of Class Definition Syntax

Matlab Syntax Example of Class Definition Syntax The following code shows the syntax of a typical class definition. This example is not a functioning class because it references functions that it does not implement....

Matlab Events and Listeners

Specifying Events To define an event, you declare a name for the event in the events block. Then one of the class methods triggers the event using the notify method, which is method inherited...

Class Definition-Syntax Reference & Class Folders

Options for Class Folders There are two basic ways to specify classes with respect to folders: Creating a single, self-contained class definition file in a folder on the MATLAB path. Distributing a class definition...