Tagged: Graphics Objects

Matlab Annotation Objects and Example

Users typically create annotation objects from the Plot Edit toolbar or the Insert menu (select Plot Edit in the View menu to display the Plot Edit toolbar). However, you can also create annotation objects...


Matlab Plot Objects

Matlab Plot A number of high-level plotting functions create plot objects. The properties of plot objects provide easy access to the important properties of the core graphics objects that the plot objects contain. Plot...

Matlab Core Graphics Objects

Core graphics objects include basic drawing primitives: Line, text, and polygon shells (patch objects) Specialized objects like surfaces, which are composed of a rectangular grid of vertices Images Light objects, which are not visible...

Matlab Graphics Windows & the Figure

Figures are the windows in which MATLAB displays graphics. Figures contain menus, toolbars, user-interface objects, context menus, axes and, as axes children, all other types of graphics objects. MATLAB places no limits on the...

Comparing Handle and Value Classes

Why Select Handle or Value MATLAB support two kinds of classes — handle classes and value classes. The kind of class you use depends on the desired behavior of the class instances and what...

Plotting Tools — Interactive Plotting

What Are Plotting Tools? The modular, interactive plotting environment called plotting tools enables you to Create various type of graphs Select variables to plot directly from a workspace browser Easily create and manipulate subplots...