Tagged: method

Calling Superclass Methods on Subclass Objects

Calling a Superclass Constructor If you create a subclass object, MATLAB calls the superclass constructor to initialize the superclass part of the subclass object. By default, MATLAB calls the superclass constructor without arguments. If...

Syntax Reference & Specifying Attributes

Attribute Syntax For a quick reference to all attributes, see Attribute Tables. Attributes modify the behavior of classes and class components (properties, methods, and events). Attributes enable you to define useful behaviors without writing...

Matlab Events and Listeners

Specifying Events To define an event, you declare a name for the event in the events block. Then one of the class methods triggers the event using the notify method, which is method inherited...

Matlab Class Definition & The Classdef Block

Specifying Attributes and Superclasses The classdef block contains the class definition. The classdef line is where you specify: Class attributes Superclasses The classdef block contains the properties, methods, and events subblocks. Assigning Class Attributes...

Matlab Syntax Reference & Class Components

Class Building Blocks The basic components in the class definition are blocks describing the whole class and specific aspects of its definition: classdef block contains the class definition within a file that starts with...