Tagged: min

Managing Desktop Layouts

Overview of Desktop Layouts When you end a session, MATLAB saves the current desktop arrangement. The next time you start MATLAB, the desktop appears like the way you left it. However, tools such as...

MATLAB Commands

Basic Command Syntax A simple MATLAB command computes the result of the expression to the right of the equals sign and assigns the value of the result to the output variable at the left....

Marking Up Graphs with Data Brushing

What Is Data Brushing? When you brush data, you manually select observations on an interactive data display in the course of assessing validity, testing hypotheses, or segregating observations for further processing. You can brush...

Finding maximum and minimum values in arrays

Let’s write a function file range.m that calculates the difference between the maximum and minimum value in a vector. The file should return a reply. Open an edit window. Create a function file like...


bsxfun – Apply element-by-element binary operation to two arrays with singleton expansion enabled Syntax C = bsxfun(fun,A,B) Description C = bsxfun(fun,A,B) applies an element-by-element binary operation to arrays A and B, with singleton expansion...


arrayfun – Apply function to each element of array Syntax A = arrayfun(fun, S) A = arrayfun(fun, S, T, …) [A, B, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …) [A, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …, ‘param1’,...