Tagged: open

Finding Handle Objects and Properties

Finding Handle Objects The findobj method enables you to locate handle objects that meet certain conditions. function HM = findobj(H,) The findobj method returns an array of handles matching the conditions specified. Finding Handle...

Matlab Class for Graphing Functions

Matlab Functions Display Fully Commented Example Code The class block is the code that starts with the classdef key word and terminates with the end key word. The following example illustrated a simple class...

Matlab Implementing Linked Lists

Displaying Fully Commented Example Code Open class code in a popup window — Use this link if you want to see the code for this class annotated with links to descriptive sections. Open class...

Using the Editor and Debugger with Classes

Referring to Class Files Define classes in M-files just like scripts and functions. To use the editor or debugger with a class file, use the full class name. For example, suppose the file for...


Starting Simulink Software

Simulink for Beginner Opening the Simulink Library Browser Your MATLAB environment must be running before you can open Simulink software. You start Simulink from within MATLAB. To start Simulink and open the Simulink Library...


Importing MAT-Files

MAT-Files Viewing the Contents of a MAT-File MAT-files are binary MATLAB format files that store workspace variables. To see the variables in a MAT-file before loading the file into your workspace, click the file...

Defining MATLAB Commands as Input Cells for Notebook

Defining Commands as Input Cells for Notebook For information about evaluating the input cells you define, see Evaluating MATLAB Commands with Notebook. To define a MATLAB command in a Word document as an input...