arrayfun – Apply function to each element of array Syntax A = arrayfun(fun, S) A = arrayfun(fun, S, T, …) [A, B, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …) [A, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …, ‘param1’,...
Matlab Simulink Examples
arrayfun – Apply function to each element of array Syntax A = arrayfun(fun, S) A = arrayfun(fun, S, T, …) [A, B, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …) [A, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …, ‘param1’,...
idivide – Integer division with rounding option Syntax C = idivide(A, B, opt) C = idivide(A, B) C = idivide(A, B, ‘fix’) C = idivide(A, B, ’round’) C = idivide(A, B, ‘floor’) C =...
Construct array with accumulation Syntax A = accumarray(subs,val) A = accumarray(subs,val,sz) A = accumarray(subs,val,sz,fun) A = accumarray(subs,val,sz,fun,fillval) A = accumarray(subs,val,sz,fun,fillval,issparse) A = accumarray({subs1, subs2, …}, val, …) Description accumarray groups elements from a data...
Absolute value and complex magnitude Syntax abs(X) Description abs(X) returns an array Y such that each element of Y is the absolute value of the corresponding element of X. If X is complex, abs(X)...
plot Linear plot. plot(X,Y) plots vector Y versus vector X. If X or Y is a matrix, then the vector is plotted versus the rows or columns of the matrix, whichever line up. If...
Matlab Ver Command ver MATLAB, SIMULINK, and TOOLBOX version information. ver displays the current MATLAB and toolbox version numbers. ver(TOOLBOX_DIR) displays the current version information for the toolbox specified by the string TOOLBOX_DIR. For...
path Get/set search path. PATH, by itself, prettyprints MATLAB’s current search path. The initial search path list is set by PATHDEF, and is perhaps individualized by STARTUP. P = path returns a string containing...