Tagged: syntax

Why Use Object-Oriented Design

Approaches to Writing MATLAB Programs Creating software applications typically involves designing how to represent the application data and determining how to implement operations performed on that data. Procedural programs pass data to functions, which...

MATLAB Commands

Basic Command Syntax A simple MATLAB command computes the result of the expression to the right of the equals sign and assigns the value of the result to the output variable at the left....


bsxfun – Apply element-by-element binary operation to two arrays with singleton expansion enabled Syntax C = bsxfun(fun,A,B) Description C = bsxfun(fun,A,B) applies an element-by-element binary operation to arrays A and B, with singleton expansion...


arrayfun – Apply function to each element of array Syntax A = arrayfun(fun, S) A = arrayfun(fun, S, T, …) [A, B, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …) [A, …] = arrayfun(fun, S, …, ‘param1’,...


idivide – Integer division with rounding option Syntax C = idivide(A, B, opt) C = idivide(A, B) C = idivide(A, B, ‘fix’) C = idivide(A, B, ’round’) C = idivide(A, B, ‘floor’) C =...



Matlab Floor Command floor – Round toward negative infinity Syntax B = floor(A) Description B = floor(A) rounds the elements of A to the nearest integers less than or equal to A. For complex...



Matlab fix command fix Round towards zero. fix(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards zero. Syntax B = fix(A) Description B = fix(A) rounds the elements of A toward zero,...